Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Amateur artist

Amateur artist

Artist's clever play-act. The words and actions as a real existence. He was even able to cry and laugh as cry in sorrow. Tears of sadness will illustrate profusely. Tears burst representing the number of issues and memuncah in his soul.
His laugh was as if he was happy flirting, even though she herself felt the sadness. He was able to express all persasaan as he himself experienced it. Really great indeed, such an artificial reality.
But the artist intended, not the real meaning. He is the artist who was not invited. Artists are not paid. He came voluntarily. Berekting without being asked. But he pleaded at the end of the story gets paid improvise. He was even clever enough to make a story. Padai propitiate his audience. With the hope he would be paid as he had hoped.
This is the irony of our lives. Without the blue, we often encounter or meet the artist karbitan. It came with a different story. Some say the lost treasure, stolen. Some say the search for the parents, there is also a search for the family. Accompanying outcry. Grief lara told to get a sympathetic audience.
Like what just happened at a time. I found someone's dream come into the office. It came with a face full of problems. He came to the residence. Long story short, he said parents are gone. Mother and father were gone forever. He bersudara two, one he and the other women in the country there. He did not berpapa. He lives miserable.
Mid-story he describes that he has been working successfully at leading universities. He has also worked at leading companies.
The story is dramatic. Getting people to tears. He's not laughing with pleasure but thrilled with the dramatic story ability. Anyone who hears will be hypnotized. He was the artist.
Unfortunately, really loved, the end of the story he asked the rewards of success. She needs a travel fund. Papua, a remote archipelago of Christianity. He plaintively asked for donations with the donors in order to deliver himself up to the land of dreams.
This is the tragic story of life. Hope can bring, hand over hand is better than below. Giving is better than asking and pleaded.

Water Coolness

Water Coolness

Water may be the symbol of the most perfect human life. Water brings coolness to those who thirst. Water also brings coolness when the eye. Water gives peace if heard from the gurgling stream. Water never stops moving. Wherever and in whatever condition he is trying to find a solution to any obstacle in front of him.
Water can be cerimin ourselves in this life. With water we can look in the mirror to see ourselves. Even with the water, we can compare our properties. We are easily discouraged, easy to surrender to a mirror into the nature of water. Padalah water was more flexible than anything else, but because of the patience and sincerity, it can penetrate hard rock that are millions of times over to herself.
The beauty that glows in the water can bring coolness to anyone who looked. He is calm, peaceful and beautiful, providing coolness in the heart of each is looked at. Behind the calm and refinement, he has a depth that is not predictable by anyone. It can even more dangerous than the fire that berkorbar. He can drown anyone who goes into it.
But the water never deal with anyone else except the people that bother him. There was never any water on anything unless something was coming himself to him.
Water flow and keep flowing. He brings coolness and kesuburuan each plant in its path. He never asked for compensation for what dilakukkan but with a willing heart to give fertility. Any trail that is passed will always be an impression with cool air and fertility. And never even bring damage unless backed by something beyond himself.
Be yourself as the waters calm and peaceful. Where you are give coolness and peace. Give your brother the benefit that can make life peaceful and excited. Do not ever break except in keterpaksaaan and never even destructive in all circumstances.

Akhlaq emulate Prophet

Alhamdulillah Praise be to have only God, the Lord called all natural. God who never fell asleep and forgot to give a reward to each of His people. He is never wrong in giving a reply to anyone who is doing good and kebathilan. God is the God the Most Just, God the Most Gracious, All-Knowing, and most everything else.
Akhaq emulate Prophet
It was he who lowered revelation through His prophets and rosul. Muhammad is one of the prophets and rosul which we shall follow. Mandatory we imitate her behavior and deeds. Because he is a prophet of the cover. He was best man at all time. Moral is Al-Quran, he said full of peace and away from hostility and hatred.
Hopefully Muhammad always get blessed from God. We hope that we can follow him. Only by following the way of his behavior and we will be safe in this world and in akherat.
Rosulullah is a conservative in the establishment. He is very confident of the provisions of God in him. He strongly believes will be the power of God for everything in this universe. Hence the Prophet was never worried about tomorrow, not ever feel discouraged in any condition. Prophet Muhammad always be patient and pray to Allah to be given the power to overcome every test and trial that awaits him.
Messenger is a very wise. All the problems, both related to himself and his people settled wisely. He never blaspheme, envy, berate people around him. He always tried to give the best to them. As a leader, he was nurturing, and guiding people around him. He was very fond of people who are in power. Because of his flock is part of her own. His followers are part of the body. If one sick so he was come to feel pain. Thus the Prophet have never done anything that would offend others or even berate clearly hurt others.
Messenger is also an educator. He is always teaching a practice with excellent examples. Every race, every disciple will be taught a lesson at a time when wisdom would have picked people that were consistently running the practice. He teaches with deeds and not mere words. His words were far from the rule, given the lessons that always contains wisdom. And he never melakukkan something beyond the boundary. Doing something useless. Messenger, always doing what he says and never to judge if his people could not follow it. Even when the Prophet pelted with dung, he had only responded with a smile. He was an extraordinary man. He is a man who never complain. Because he was a leader of the wisest of all time.
So the best bit of human nature in all the earth. Hopefully we can follow his trail. Thus, our struggle in every activity, really bilhikmah wal mauidhatil repertoire. May God always enlarges our hearts for always istiqamah in his way. With no other class blasphemy. Amen. Wallahua'lam bishshawab.

Yogyakarta, 9 Maret2008